You are the biggest advocate for yourself. And the potent power within the healing crystals on this anklet set encourages you to pursue only what is best for you. Chalcedony and Turquoise are a potent pairing for combating big emotions and restoring internal balance so that you can face life with bravery and beauty.
Together they serve as a clarity and communication tonic. What you say casts a spell over what you attract. These crystals help hold your words in high regard by raising your frequency and helping you manifest meaningful opportunities and relationships. Chalcedony gives you the emotional resilience needed to overcome challenges, while Turquoise evokes stillness and understanding, allowing you to trust in life.
"I release limiting thoughts and trust in life.
With a heart of gold, I confidently face all challenges.
In all things, I lead with love."
Since the anklet is made from natural stones, the colors may vary slightly from stone to stone, making each one utterly unique.